Roses- Climbing- Florabunda- Patio- Hybrid Tea

£9.99 Roses

We have over 20 different types of roses, they are a great gift idea and also perfect for your own home, filling spaces in your borders or sitting at your patio door, these roses captivate your senses

From the classic red roses that symbolize love and romance to the delicate pink roses that represent elegance and admiration

'Birthday Wishes'

This rose has magnificent clusters of orange, red semi-double flowers, it is also a patio rose so it has a compact, bushy growth which makes it perfect for containers

Grows best in an open, bright and sunny area with well-drained soil, add bonemeal for extra feed

Height- 50cm (20") and Spread- 35cm (14")

'You're Beautiful'

Rose of the year in 2013

A floribunda rose which produces an abundance of bright pink, well formed and lightly scented flowers

Also a bushy plant with strong growth and a neat habit

Height and spread is 85cm (3 ft)

Your rose will benefit from organic mulch along with a rose feed twice a year- in spring at the end of March and again in Summer

'Warm Wishes'

A highly fruity fragrant, medium sized rose with large soft peachy-coral blooms

This rose is a Hybrid Tea variety which means it produces one flower on each stem of the plant

Its also a repeat-flowering rose so it will produce multiple flushes of blooms throughout the season, remember to dead-head your rose to stimulate a longer flowering time

Height can get up to 3.5- 4ft and spread 2.5 to 3ft

Button label
  • Rose feed and care

    In our shop we offer rose feed to make your roses stay healthy and blossom brighter, you should feed your roses twice a year for best results

    We also have a rose sheild spray to keep the bugs and fungus away, using this product can make a huge difference, preventing any problems in the future