Lasagne Layering
This is a gardening technique where different types of bulbs are layered with largest and latest flowering time at the bottom and progressively smaller and earlier flowering bulbs layered on the top, this creates a prolonged flowering period throughout spring
This is a photo of our lasagne pots coming through, the smaller bulbs are already flowering with the tulips from the middle layer popping up too
Bottom Layer
The bottom layer is for the biggest bulbs with the latest flowering time
Height can range from 40cm to 50cm or above
Varieties include Tulip 'Ballerina,' Tulip 'Antoinette' and Daffodil 'Rainbow'
Middle Layer
The middle layer is for the slightly smaller bulbs with a later flowering time
Height can range from 25cm to 35cm
Varieties include Daffodil 'Golden Delicious,' Tulip 'Peach Blossom' and Hyacinth ;Top White'
Top Layer
This layer is for the smallest bulb and the earliest flowering
Height can range from 10cm to 20cm
Varieties include muscari, crocus, dwarf daffodils like tete a tete