
  • Primula 'Showstopper Fire Dragon'

    This Primula shows golden blooms with dramatic fiery red frills around the edge with strong stems and wrinkly leaves, forming a rosette around the base of the stem

    Height 25-30cm (10-12") and spread 20-25cm (8-10")

    Best grown in partial shade

  • Primula 'Zebra Blue'

    A unique, blue and stripy primula, the bright blue and vibrant yellow centre attracts the bees and butterflies, filling your garden with wildlife

    Ideal for bedding, baskets and window boxes

    Height and Spread 15-20cm

    Plant in any well-drained soil and in full sun, water well in dry weather and a feed can be added every two weeks to boost the blooms

  • Primula 'Sirococco'

    These have a special fringed flower edge that really catch your eye and come in a lovely variety of colours, splashing colour throughout your borders

    Grows to a height and spread of 10-20cm

  • Primula 'Silver Lace'

    Clusters of flowers with dark petals and silver lining above clumps of green foliage

    Flowering through till May/July time, making sure to dead-head and feed throughout, to help keep the plant healthy

    Height is 10-12cm (4-6") and Spread 40cm (16")

    Plant in partial shade with well-drained soil, a great plant for beds and borders

  • Primula 'Gold Lace'

    This primula is a gold version, dark maroon petals with gold lining and clumps of flowers on a single stem, suitable for cool borders, rockeries, waterside, woodland edges

  • Primula veris

    Clusters of fragrant, yellow, tubular flowers, standing on a single stem

    Oval shaped, wrinkled leaves at the base, plant in full sun or part shade in well-drained soil for best results

    Early to late Spring flowering time, reaching a height and spread of 15cm x 15cm (6"x 6")

  • Primula veris 'Lime with orange'

  • Primula 'Cottage Candy'

  • Primula 'Valentine Belarina Rosette'

    Beautiful hardy perennial for your patio pots, borders, window boxes. Also can be grown as an indoor plant in a cool spot

    Slightly fragrant with a deep, red tone, a compact bushy habit, 15cm tall and 30cm wide